Pain management is a series treatment for the painful of skeletal and muscle, such us arthralgia, sciatica, herniated intervertebral disc, osteoarthritis, sport injury, sprain, fracture and osteoporosis.
Our Specialist
Dr. Chau Chi Hong
Family Medicine
Injected with dextrose that stimulates the body’s natural healing process to repair and strengthen chronically impaired ligaments and tendons that have been damaged from overuse or injury.
Lam Ka Wai Cary
Provide a non-drug and non-invasive treatment include Manual Therapy, Movement Therapy and Modality Therapy to prevent, modify and release pain.
Dr. Choi Chang Hong
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Through massage and external application of Chinese herbs, to cure many bone and joint disorders, such as sprains, soft tissue and ligament injuries.
Dr. Kou Sio Kei
Provide Orthopedic Out-patient Specialist Clinic service and surgical referral services such as spine surgery, Joint replacement surgery.